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Star Global Advanced IT Corp. Ltd.

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Database Modeling

"Database consultation and modeling is standard as part of our custom web application development procedure."

During consultation we identify the purpose of your database, and what you want to store. These requirements are translated into a precise model so your data is accessible and integrity is preserved.

We can import and export database files with ease. Supply your data to us in any format you wish:

  • Text file,
  • Microsoft Excel,
  • Microsoft Access,
  • SQL export,
  • or XML.

If you are creating a new database, or need to enter the data from a paper-based source, we model and create a database to your specifications. We are able to export the database to the format you require, or provide direct connectivity to the database server.

You can update your database through a web-based or desktop interface. This allows you to support multiple users and to make changes from any location. Often a web application will update the data itself, and the use of a database in the backend systems is totally transparent to the user.

Our hosting packages include database access:

  • MySQL,
  • Microsoft Access,
  • Microsoft SQL server,
  • or Coldfusion server.

Call now to book a FREE consultation & analysis - (250) 381-2800